UNC Dermatology Clinical Trials Unit

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Dermatology Clinical Trials Unit (DCTU)?
  • The DCTU conducts research studies that evaluate and monitor the safety and efficacy of new treatments for various dermatologic conditions in children and adults.
  • Our particular interests are acne, psoriasis, onychomycosis, atopic dermatitis (eczema), epidermolysis bullosa, hidradenitis suppurativa, and pemphigus vulgaris. The DCTU collaborates with other UNC investigators on their melanoma and basal cell carcinoma clinical trials.
What is clinical research?
  • Clinical research is research conducted on human subjects and helps doctors and researchers to find new and better ways to understand, detect, control and treat illness.
Should I volunteer for clinical research?
  • Clinical research is a vital part of finding new treatments and cures for diseases. Carefully conducted clinical studies are the fastest way to find treatments that are safe and effective. By volunteering for a clinical study, you would be participating in research that may result in a new treatment for a deadly or debilitating disease.
What is a clinical trial?
  • If a clinical research study involves testing or studying a drug or medical device to see if it is a safe and effective treatment for people, it is called a "trial".
Where do I find more information about clinical trials?
Where do I find information about clinical trials for specific conditions?